
Home Away From Home

So maybe some time has passes since I've posted last, so maybe I got a little busy. But I tell you, do not fear for I am back in business! This is such a new and exciting time in my life- going to college and all. No big deal. Big Deal. 

I have been here for three weeks and The University of Tennessee Knoxville and I have loved every single minute of it. Seriously, I could not ask for anything better. I was unsure about coming here, I didn't think it was for me but the Lord changed my heart and now I know this is exactly where I am supposed to be. What a guy He is, so wonderful to me. 

I am undecided in my major but I thinking of going with either nutrition or business. Maybe even both?? All I know is I'm going to have as much fun as possible before I have to buckle down in my studies. I'm just taking the basic cool-kid-college-courses but they aren't terrible so far and I am counting that as a huge blessing! 

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